Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome to the Blog

Hello Ladies,

Well...this last month we had a lot of disconnects through email about the bookclub (i.e. some of you didn't get them). In the past, we also have some that don't get the notices about the next book, meeting date, etc., we have a blog where I will update the next meeting date, provide the address, and also post the next book we are reading just after our meetings.

I will make the blog private so that only book club members can access it--so, your info will be private. If you ever want me to post something, let me know!!!

Since we had to have a name for the book club for the blog, I came up with Chapters & Chatter. Hope you like it!!! I think it is symbolic 'cause so many of us only read chapters of the book and not the whole darn thing...ha ha!

Welcome to the blog!

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